February 2016

So what’s been going on at Zervas?

I took these two photos from Beacon Street on January 29th. The school looks a bit different because the 4th grade classrooms of Mr Bergquist and Mr West are gone!

This shot from February 3rd shows the back side of the school. I’m not sure but I think they are starting on the foundation of the new building here. It’s amazing how rich and dark that soil looks. No doubt because Zervas borders Cold Spring Park and wetlands where lots of leaves grow, fall and rot.

Also from February 3rd, this is the front of the school with the decorative stone facing removed, along with the name Frank Zervas School. That pole, by the way, is the support for the Time Lapse Camera.

Here’s a photo from February 4th showing the wreckage of the “big kids playground.” Someone told me it cost the PTO $15,000 to put up less than 10 years ago. If you’re wondering where it will be reused, I was told that they cannot reuse this and it will go to landfill.

From February 8, this is a photo showing Ms Aiken’s classroom, sort of. I’ve been taking photos with my iPhone so there are limits to what I can get, unfortunately. I’ve tried and failed to get a photo of a mini-cat machine inside the school crunching up furniture and walls and shoving it out the doors to be scooped into dumpsters.

One thought on “February 2016

  1. These pictures look so gloomy. I don't know why, but the convey this certain atmosphere of sorrow and strictness. I have no idea whether it's good or not.


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